Legal Trace SA has a variety of services to ensure that our working environment as well as our social environments are secure.


Recovering outstanding amounts can be done effectively through various debt
collection mechanisms. We understand how unpaid invoices can harm your
business in the long run. We therefore offer indepth solutions that cover the entire
debt collection process. We focus on early stage and pre-legal collections to ensure
that all debt is collected as quick as possible. We design optimal collection solutions
specific to your business needs.

The benefits of hiring a debt collector includes:

  • Reduced book debt and successful debt recovery.
  • Legal protection.
  • Reduction of the turnaround period to settle unpaid


We provide entities with affordable and effective packages to reduce book debt.
The older the debt gets, the harder it is to collect. If your demands for payment have
been unsuccessful, hiring a debt collector can be extremely beneficial for your
business. We utilize different approaches to ensure that unpaid invoices are settled
timeously. We assess the amount of debt on hand and provide you with a cost
effective package based on our assessment. All processes are in compliance with
the NCA.


Legal Trace South Africa provides their clients with suitable debt solutions based on
their debtors journals. We provide customized debt recovery solutions as well as
customized credit control solutions. We offer consulting services to evaluate possible
risk exposure and provide comprehensive solutions. We critically analyze debt on
hand and try to improve the turnaround time in collecting same.